Oxandrolon BodyPharm





Oxandrolonos is a steroid drug that has a relatively mild and fairly fast anabolic effect. The active ingredient of the tablets is oxandrolone. It is widely used during drying, when it is necessary to build hard and relief muscles, as well as simply used to increase strength potential, increase endurance or speed up recovery.

Positive effects:

  • Leads to quality muscle growth
  • (without water retention or fat accumulation);
  • Burns subcutaneous fat and reduces fat deposits;
  • Increases the hardness, relief of muscles;
  • Causes an increase in strength performance;
  • Promotes increased endurance, reduces fatigue;
  • Strengthens immune defence.

Note: oxandrolone is a non-aromatisable derivative of dihydrotestosterone, modified to enhance anabolic activity and reduce androgenic properties, and most importantly, adapted for oral (ingestion) administration. One of the main features of the anabolic is considered to be the ability to increase the concentration of growth hormone, which positively affects the results of the course.

Due to the specificity of the effect Oxandrolonos shows itself well in almost any physical sport, from martial arts to athletics. According to reviews, it allows you to achieve a gain of lean muscle mass or improve physical fitness without a pronounced weight gain.

What are the side effects?

Oxandrolonos is relatively safe not only for men, but also for women in sports. It is absolutely not characterised by progestin or estrogenic side effects. That is, the main and only threat during the course are rare androgenic complications or a weak toxic effect on the liver.

Additional information

active substance


Amount of substance, mg


release form


1 tablet, mg




order size

Bag (100 tablets)


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