Anavar 10 Dragon Pharma




Dragon Pharma Anavar 10.

It is a mild steroid with a very weak androgenic component. It has been found that Oxandrolone in reasonable doses does not produce any side effects, because the drug was originally conceived for use by women and children. It is one of the few steroids that does not cause premature growth retardation in children, does not contribute to the closure of epiphyseal passages. Therefore, in medicine, the drug is used mainly in children to stimulate body growth and in women with osteoporosis.

Oxandrolone can cause weak phenomena of masculinisation. This makes it a good drug for women. They only need to take 10-15 mg a day and they do not experience any outward manifestations or masculinisation.

Bodybuilders and powerlifters love Oxandrolone. It promotes high strength gains as it stimulates creatine phosphate synthesis in the muscle cell and does not retain water. This is used by weightlifters who do not want to move to a heavier category, because Oxandrolone gives them the opportunity to become stronger without adding to their own weight.

The combination of Oxandrolone and 10-20 mg of Halotestin per day has proven to be very effective, as it additionally gives the muscles a more solid look. Taking Oxandrolone and 120-140 mcg of Clenbuterol per day at the same time gives good results. Oxandrolone itself does not contribute to noticeable muscle growth, but it significantly enhances the effect of other steroids on the body. The drug combines particularly well with Deca Durabolin , Dianabol and Testosterone, steroids that retain fluid and promote strong growth of muscle tissue. The combination of 200mg Deca Durabolin per week, 500mg Testosterone Enanthate per week and 25mg Oxandrolone per day gives good strength and mass gains in most athletes. Deca Durabolin has a strong anabolic effect and stimulates protein synthesis. Anavar increases strength and Testosterone makes athletes more aggressive during training and speeds up regeneration.

The second reason why Oxandrolone is so loved is that this drug is not aromatised at any dosage. A certain amount of testosterone in the bloodstream is converted into estrogen. This aromatisation process is differently pronounced in different athletes depending on their predisposition to it. With Anavar, the muscles never acquire a watery appearance, which allows it to be considered a good preparation for competition. During this phase, it is very important to keep estrogen levels as low as possible because estrogens programme the body to retain water even with a low calorie diet. When combined with diet, Oxandrolone helps to make muscles firm and elastic.

Those who are preparing for competitions or interested in gaining quality muscles should combine Oxandrolone with steroids such as Winstrol, Parabolan, Masteron, Primobolan and Testosterone Propionate. A combination of 50 mg of Winstrol every other day, 50 mg of Testosterone Propionate every other day and 25 mg of Oxandrolone daily has shown to be very effective for this purpose.

Another advantage of Oxandrolone’s non-aromatising ability is that athletes who suffer from high blood pressure on strong androgenic steroids and get gynaecomastia because of them will have no problems with oxandrolone. The combination of Anavar with Deca Durabolin is the best alternative for this group of athletes if there are health issues with Testosterone, Dianabol or Anadrol.

The third reason that speaks in favour of Oxandrolone is that this chemical, even in very high doses, does not affect the production of your own testosterone. Oxandrolone does not suppress the production of hormones in the body. The fact is that it does not have a negative effect on the “hypothalamus-pituitary-testicles”, because when taking it, the testicles do not signal the hypothalamus to reduce or completely stop the release of the hormone that releases gonadotropins and luteinising hormone. as is the case with most anabolic steroids. This is easily explained by the fact that the active chemical in oxandrolone is not aromatised into estrogens.

Oxandrolone is low in toxicity and causes virtually no side effects. Many athletes take it for quite a long period of time. But you shouldn’t use it for several months without a break because, like almost all oral steroids, it is 17-alpha alkylated and can put pressure on the liver.

Anavar is often used by bodybuilders. Women with sensitive reactions to anabolic steroids achieve good results when Oxandrolone is combined with Primobolan and/or Clenbuterol, without suffering from masculinisation phenomena. Still, women should not exceed the dosage because otherwise androgen-induced side effects such as acne, voice coarsening, clitoral hypertrophy, and increased hair loss may occur.

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active substance


Amount of substance, mg


release form


1 tablet, mg



Dragon Pharma

order size

Pacchetto (100 tablets)


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